1·Hard discipline may be needed to preserve the euro, and to mollify German voters who do not want to bankroll irresponsible neighbours.
2·My idea of discipline is simple - hard work - but of course that's another indulgence.
3·Good things, as described above, are the result of knowledge, planning, discipline, focus, and hard work.
4·As a result the children grow up to lack discipline, the ability to achieve things, and the confidence to take risks and work hard.
5·Success is good, and important (so is money), and behind it we may find intelligence, hard work, discipline, good work ethics, and even passion, confidence and high self-esteem.
6·No plans, no estimations, no iterations, no overhead - There is no silver bullet and no alternative to hard work, discipline, target on perfection and constant improvements.
7·Most importantly, they didn’t just change the curriculum; they created a culture that prizes hard work and discipline, and that shows every student that they matter.
8·Being a good manager takes very hard work, attention to detail, and organizational discipline.
9·Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.
10·Don't fret though, with hard work, discipline, and the help from Lifehack, we can beat this addiction, and use these tools the way they were intended.